Water Cooler Politics

Recently a friend I respect posted that they dislike when their FB friends make political posts….A lot of folks are infuriated with Facebook…It is because we are a differently wired family, that I don’t feel I have the luxury of rejecting Facebook. Likewise, because I am struggling with being American right now, I don’t feel I have luxury of avoiding politics where I socialize….

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How to get a Pandemic Pal

There’s an overabundance of joy in watching your lonely child play with their buddy in the fort they just built together or in sitting down side by side with their mom in person to laugh and share cheese and clink glasses. I know we can all do without that if we have to, we’ve done it for sure. But these simple things can also bring so much joy during tough times. So here’s how we are doing it:

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Is it supposed to be the 2nd-before-all-else-amendment?

Dear Republican gun rights friends and family members:

We are not safe and feel on guard all the time now.  Our ability to enjoy our public spaces, to feel at home and part of a public community have been sacrificed.  Is this your intent?… There are more and more guns.  Are more people safe and protected because of it?… Recent polls show that many on both sides agree that changes are needed so why is it not moving forward? We need you to get on board, to be part of the change, it is never too late. Let your leaders know - while you believe in your right to bear arms and never want to give that up, this version is not okay, and not what you want.

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That Kid

Written by an anonymous Warrior-Mom, I am honored to bridge this important voice:

…Eventually, the parent explained to me that she would no longer allow her child to play with my kid. My kid is a bad influence. She hoped I understood.

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At the expense of our daughters

Dear Dad — It has been almost a year since your last-ever visit to my home. I can’t help but wonder what our second chance might have looked like.  What if that was me testifying?…. How would you feel then about the president for whom you previously defended? Would you still? 

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Raising Voices...and Voters

I am grateful to be in Oregon where we have ballots at home and can vote by mail. We’ve decided to model voting for our 9 year old. He’ll take part in our family discussion about the issues and candidates, and help fill out the ballot.

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